Adult Skins
last new content on 14 May 2002

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Green Sport Green Sport 99K

A sports outfit in green. It'll turn everyone else green too - with envy.

Marv Tee Marv Tee 77K

Since Marv is so popular, we've brought out a special Marv tee shirt!

Sunny Jacket Sunny Jacket 85K

This is a nice, bright outfit guaranteed to bring cheer to all Sims.

Purple Short Sleeve Purple Short Sleeve 120K

A purple shirt and dark blue jeans for those wild party nights.

Marv Marvin Kosh 46K

My first ever skin. This is Captain Marvin Kosh, commanding officer of a new Astaran starship. He is shown here wearing the standard uniform of the Astaran Space Forces.

Marv V2 Marvin Kosh v2 42K

This is an improved version of Marvin Kosh, my first ever skin. He's seen here modelling a red sweater that is actually based on one of my own.

Shona Laincer Shona Laincer 53K

Shona Laincer, infamous evil clone of Rhona Sinclair.

Joanna Houston Joanna Houston 136K

Joanna is modelling the Nightsky dress for us, which previously appeared as a teen outfit. All three skin tones for the dress. The Houston head is a trial version and will go POP at the end of 30 days. Kidding, just kidding.

Caroline Trueman Caroline Trueman 97K

Caroline is modelling a subdued blue outfit for us, which previously appeared as a teen skin. All three skin tones for the outfit. Head included.

Jeron Aximusa Jeron Aximusa 122K

Jeron is modelling an alternate sports outfit from the one that came with Livin' Large. All three skin tones for this skin. Head included.